Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Tues, 6/2
Start: Leon
End: Leon
Distance: 6.37 km

1. Sleeping in

Since we stayed in a private hostal which was a room with three beds, we got the luxury of good night sleep with no snoring (seriously, some people can be impressive) and didn't have to leave until 12. So we slept in til 830! Then lounged around until we had to leave and went to an albergue

2. Lounging around Leon basically consisted of moving from plaza to plaza just relaxing, eating some pinchos, having a drink or two, and just relaxing with other pilgrims in Leon. Pilgrims are pretty easy to spot due to their physical ailments which affect how they move as well as their physical apparel. It's kind of funny really. 

3. Overall impression of Leon

Since we took the day off, it really allowed us to enjoy Leon. Personally, it has been my favorite city so far. I don't really know why I liked it more than Burgos or Pamplona, but I do. Maybe it's the layout, the people, or perhaps the timing. 

4. While I enjoyed the day off and it was much needed, it definitely felt unusual not walking to a new place. As a result, we've ran into a bunch of new people and old friends have caught up. My body is happy that I took the day off. It definitely feels better but at the same time, not a 100%. I think it was necessary to let my body relax a day, yet it will still have it's aches and pains every day til I'm done

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